• The hook version of watch.

    This hook version allows the watch to be set up when the component first renders, then automatically stopped when the component unmounts.

    You may return a cleanup function from the callback to clean up side effects before the callback re-runs. Note that this syntax follows that of useEffect from React, and is not the same as watch from Vue.

    Watches one or more reactive data sources and invokes a callback function when the sources change.


    // Inside a function component:
    const count = useRef(0)
    useWatch(count, (count) => {
    return () => console.log('cleanup')



    Type Parameters

    • T extends (object | WatchSource<unknown>)[]

    • Immediate extends Readonly<boolean> = false


    • sources: [...T[]]

      The watcher's source. The source can be one of the following: - A getter function that returns a value - A ref - A reactive object - ...or an array of the above.

    • cb: WatchCallback<MapSources<T, false>, MapSources<T, Immediate>>

      The callback that will be called when the source changes. It receives the new and old value(s) as arguments.

    • Optional options: UseWatchOptions<Immediate>

      Allows to control the watch's behaviour.

    Returns void

  • The hook version of watch.

    This hook version allows the watch to be set up when the component first renders, then automatically stopped when the component unmounts.

    You may return a cleanup function from the callback to clean up side effects before the callback re-runs. Note that this syntax follows that of useEffect from React, and is not the same as watch from Vue.

    Watches one or more reactive data sources and invokes a callback function when the sources change.


    // Inside a function component:
    const count = useRef(0)
    useWatch(count, (count) => {
    return () => console.log('cleanup')



    Type Parameters

    • T extends readonly (object | WatchSource<unknown>)[]

    • Immediate extends Readonly<boolean> = false


    • source: T
    • cb: WatchCallback<MapSources<T, false>, MapSources<T, Immediate>>

      The callback that will be called when the source changes. It receives the new and old value(s) as arguments.

    • Optional options: UseWatchOptions<Immediate>

      Allows to control the watch's behaviour.

    Returns void

  • The hook version of watch.

    This hook version allows the watch to be set up when the component first renders, then automatically stopped when the component unmounts.

    You may return a cleanup function from the callback to clean up side effects before the callback re-runs. Note that this syntax follows that of useEffect from React, and is not the same as watch from Vue.

    Watches one or more reactive data sources and invokes a callback function when the sources change.


    // Inside a function component:
    const count = useRef(0)
    useWatch(count, (count) => {
    return () => console.log('cleanup')



    Type Parameters

    • T

    • Immediate extends Readonly<boolean> = false


    • source: WatchSource<T>
    • cb: WatchCallback<T, Immediate extends true ? undefined | T : T>

      The callback that will be called when the source changes. It receives the new and old value(s) as arguments.

    • Optional options: UseWatchOptions<Immediate>

      Allows to control the watch's behaviour.

    Returns void

  • The hook version of watch.

    This hook version allows the watch to be set up when the component first renders, then automatically stopped when the component unmounts.

    You may return a cleanup function from the callback to clean up side effects before the callback re-runs. Note that this syntax follows that of useEffect from React, and is not the same as watch from Vue.

    Watches one or more reactive data sources and invokes a callback function when the sources change.


    // Inside a function component:
    const count = useRef(0)
    useWatch(count, (count) => {
    return () => console.log('cleanup')



    Type Parameters

    • T extends object

    • Immediate extends Readonly<boolean> = false


    • source: T
    • cb: WatchCallback<T, Immediate extends true ? undefined | T : T>

      The callback that will be called when the source changes. It receives the new and old value(s) as arguments.

    • Optional options: UseWatchOptions<Immediate>

      Allows to control the watch's behaviour.

    Returns void

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