• Converts a function component into a reactive component. A reactive component receives reactive props and re-renders automatically when its data dependencies are modified.

    If your function component makes use of a reactive value, the component has to be wrapped by makeReactive so that it can re-render when the reactive value changes.


    Simple usage of makeReactive.

    export default makeReactive(function App() {
    const state = useReactive({ count: 1 });
    return <p>{state.count}</p>;


    Once a component is made reactive, it may access reactive values from any sources, not just from props, contexts and hooks.

    import { reactiveState } from './anotherFile';

    export default makeReactive(function App() {
    return <p>{reactiveState.count}</p>;


    A reactive function component.

    Type Parameters

    • P extends {}

      The props of a React function component.


    • component: FC<P>

      The function component to be made reactive.

    Returns FC<P>

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