Function charIn

  • Match a character listed in the group. A hyphen denotes a range of characters, such as a-z.


    charIn accepts a list of strings and special sequences, but you can also combine the list into one string if you prefer:

    • charIn('a-z0-9' + whitespace)
    • charIn`a-z0-9${whitespace}`
    • charIn`a-z0-9\s`

    However, combining a list of options into one string is not equivalent to a simple string concatenation. - is escaped at the beginning and end of each string in the list, so charIn`a-` `z` matches a, - and z literally, while charIn`a-z` matches alphabets from a to z.

    Apart from -, ^ and ] are also escaped in the character class, so you cannot negate a charIn via a ^ character (you should use notCharIn), and you cannot close a character class prematurely.

    Backslashes \ are only escaped at the end of a string, so you can use escape sequences such as \uffff and \xff freely. If you want to include `` in the character class, you should write it at the end of a string or escape with \\.

    Additionally, charIn allows you to merge character classes by simply passing in a charIn or charRange token. For example:

    const symbols = charIn`-_*$`; // the character class to be merged must not be negated (cannot be notCharIn or notCharRange)
    const alphabet = charRange`a``z`;
    const specialWord = charIn`0-9`(alphabet)(symbols);
    const specialWord2 = charIn`0-9${alphabet}${symbols}`;
    const notSpecialWord = notCharIn`0-9`(alphabet)(symbols);


    • template: TemplateStringsArray
    • Rest ...args: unknown[]

    Returns RegExpToken & CharClassFunction


    charIn('a-z', '_-')

    RegExp equivalent:



    Negated token

    notCharIn('a-z', '_-')

    RegExp equivalent:

  • Match a character listed in the group. A hyphen denotes a range of characters, such as a-z.


    charIn accepts a list of strings and special sequences, but you can also combine the list into one string if you prefer:

    • charIn('a-z0-9' + whitespace)
    • charIn`a-z0-9${whitespace}`
    • charIn`a-z0-9\s`

    However, combining a list of options into one string is not equivalent to a simple string concatenation. - is escaped at the beginning and end of each string in the list, so charIn`a-` `z` matches a, - and z literally, while charIn`a-z` matches alphabets from a to z.

    Apart from -, ^ and ] are also escaped in the character class, so you cannot negate a charIn via a ^ character (you should use notCharIn), and you cannot close a character class prematurely.

    Backslashes \ are only escaped at the end of a string, so you can use escape sequences such as \uffff and \xff freely. If you want to include `` in the character class, you should write it at the end of a string or escape with \\.

    Additionally, charIn allows you to merge character classes by simply passing in a charIn or charRange token. For example:

    const symbols = charIn`-_*$`; // the character class to be merged must not be negated (cannot be notCharIn or notCharRange)
    const alphabet = charRange`a``z`;
    const specialWord = charIn`0-9`(alphabet)(symbols);
    const specialWord2 = charIn`0-9${alphabet}${symbols}`;
    const notSpecialWord = notCharIn`0-9`(alphabet)(symbols);


    Returns RegExpToken & CharClassFunction


    charIn('a-z', '_-')

    RegExp equivalent:



    Negated token

    notCharIn('a-z', '_-')

    RegExp equivalent:


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