Programmer • Student
Reversi is a beautifully designed mobile game for you to challenge yourself and your friends to a match anywhere, anytime. Download the app for free on Google Play to get started.
Beautiful design guaranteed
Quick Dictionary is an open source program that allows you to look up words in multiple dictionaries with ease and build centralized word lists for revision.
Quick Regex is a step-by-step Regular Expressions tutorial available on the web. Covers almost everything from basic to advanced.
Dashboard is an open source Windows desktop overlay integrating various services. Get all the info you need at one glance.
Random programs that might be useful/fun. No attention is paid to stability and user-friendliness. Use at your own risk.
Type the text in advance then let the program type it for you in full speed.
A handy tool to crop images in clipboard.
Get color names and values for the pixel you are pointing at.
3D drone simulator with fancy graphics.
Google Calendar, Google Tasks and Trello integration in a screen overlay, the precursor of Dashboard.
Classic MineSweeper with a twist.
A mobile app to keep track of money in a game of Monopoly. NFC required.
A handy utility to perform rapid clicks for you.
Perform quick OCR on screenshots.
Add a Google Tasks sidebar to your desktop.
A training program for the Reversi AI. Train your own AI and try to beat it.
A console snake game. Special game modes included.
Login as a Telegram bot with an API key.
Pascal Tic-Tac-Toe AI interactive challenge.
A simple program that draws molecules based on IUPAC names of organic compounds.